We use ramps in both of our reptiles tanks.  I had tried so many different ways to help Sammy, our bearded dragon, to drink water.  Bearded dragons are not able to see water that is not moving, so they will rarely drink from a water dish.  

I tried all these different contraptions to get her to drink water, but none of them worked out.  I also had tried using a mini solar pond sprinkler in her water dish, but that did not work out either.  She completely ignored every dish of water I put in there both big and small.  

I finally found this small little waterfall sprinkler type thing that looks like it may work for Sammy.  At least she is able to see the water. 

But she couldn’t reach it.  So with this long ramp, she can walk right up it and get a drink.  Now she hasn’t done it on her own yet, but it’s nice to know that she can.  Until she does, we’ve been putting her at the top of the ramp and then she drinks!  

We put some ramps in Matilda’s tank for a different reason.  I wanted to give her something to play on and climb on.  She seems to really like them.  She loves walking back-and-forth in her tank, so there’s a ramp in the front at one end, so she has a little variety while walking. In the wild, tortoises will walk for miles, so I guess it’s just instinct for her to go on her daily walks.  

I never knew this before I got our tortoise Matilda, but tortoises do actually like to climb.  She used to try to climb up the side of her cave in her tank to get to the top.  But since it’s not meant for that and it’s made of plastic, she would always slide right back down. So we put a ramp there and now she loves walking up and down it and she can get right up to the top of her cave.  Matilda also uses this ramp to sleep under and she looks very cozy all tucked in under there.

We also use the two shorter ramps at her basking spot.   It makes her basking spot temperature just right and she figured this out very quickly! 

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